4 Easily Avoidable Plumbing Mistakes

Post On November 14, 2019

Here are some Avoidable Plumbing Mistakes

  1. Pouring Grease down Drain:  After you’ve finished cooking something, it’s easy to dump the excess grease and oil down the drain without giving it second thought. It’ll just get washed away, right? Well, not exactly. Dump it in a cup, wait for it to cool, and throw it in the trash, because even a small amount of oil dumped down the drain can build up over the years and wreak havoc on not only your drainage system, but your town’s whole sewer.
  2. Flushing Garbage/ items in toilet: Garbage is not meant to be flushed down the toilet. When other than human waste and toilet paper are flushed down the toilet, this can lead to clogged pipes & can be a cause of toilets over flowing- which can ruin parts of your house and sink up your home.
  3. Placing Weight on Plumbing Fixtures: Placing too many weights on plumbing fixtures (such as hanging washed cloths or hanging shampoo racks from the shower head) can lead to broken fixture. Faucets and showerheads weren’t meant to hold weight. They can snap off it too much weight is placed on them.
  4. Not turning the water off during DIY repairs: No matter the type of plumbing repair, you should turn off the water before beginning your repair work. If you shut off the water, this may lead gushing water from a loosened pipe.

Hope this article helps you to Easily solve Avoidable Plumbing Mistakes



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